تحضير Super Goal أول متوسط فصل ثالث

تحضير Super Goal أول متوسط فصل ثالث

تحضير Super Goal أول متوسط فصل ثالث اعددناها لكم بكل الملفات المطلوبه والسجلات المختلفه من المرفقات للمادة وبكافة طرق التحاضير المختلفه التى تساعدكم على الشرح بكل الطرق التى تتناسب مع كل معلم ومعلمه بإختلاف الطرق المتبعه لديهم بالإدارة وبتوصيه من المدير والوكيل ونقدم لكم امثله عن الطرق المتوفرة لدينا للتحاضير :

أنواع التحاضير لمادة Super Goal أول متوسط :

الطريقة البنائية 1 – الطريقة البنائية 2 – طريقة التعلم النشط الجديد – الطريقة الخماسية – طريقة وحدات مشروع الملك عبدالله – طريقة وحدات عرضية

تحضير Super Goal أول متوسط فصل ثالث
تحضير Super Goal أول متوسط فصل ثالث

يمكنك الإطلاع على نماذج التحاضير واوراق العمل لمادة Super Goal أول متوسط  وتحميلها من هنا

والان نسرد لكم اسعار مادة Super Goal أول متوسط فصل ثالث ..
اسعار تحضير Super Goal للمرحلة المتوسطة وكافة مواد الانجليزي للصفوف الابتدائي ومتوسط

تحضير Super Goal أول متوسط فصل ثالث
تحضير Super Goal أول متوسط فصل ثالث

 كما يمكنكم تسجيل الطلب إلكترونياً عن طريق الرابط


وكذلك يمكننا التوصيل عن طريق الايميل او شحن سمسا لجميع مدن المملكة

حسب طلبكم ( سي دي _ طباعة ملونة _ طباعة عادية)

ايميل المبيعات

[email protected]

كما يوجد بالمادة كافة المرفقات والعروض لمادة Super Goal أول متوسط فصل ثالث وتشمل :

عروض البوربوينت لجميع دروس المادة  – أوراق العمل الخاصة بالمادة لكافة الدروس –  حل الأسئلة للكتاب – الكتاب الإلكتروني – الخرائط والمفاهيم  – الخرائط الذهنية  – بعض النماذج للإختبارات  – السي دي التفاعلي والصوتيات

مثال لأوراق العمل لمادة Super Goal أول متوسط فصل ثالث  :

تحضير Super Goal أول متوسط فصل ثالث
تحضير Super Goal أول متوسط فصل ثالث

امثله لتوزيع المنهج لمادة سوبر جول اول متوسط الفصل الثالث :

Unit 5: lessons (Listen &discuss – Pair work) – lessons (Grammar – Listening – Pronunciation)
Unit 5: lessons (Conversation – About You) – lessons (Reading – Writing)- lessons (Project – Form, Meaning and Function)
Unit 6: lessons (Listen &discuss – Pair work) – lessons (Grammar – Listening – Pronunciation)
Unit 6: lessons (Conversation – About You) – lessons (Reading – Writing)- lessons (Project – Form, Meaning and Function)
Unit 7: lessons (Listen &discuss – Pair work) – lessons (Grammar – Listening – Pronunciation)
Unit 7: lessons (Conversation – About You) – lessons (Reading – Writing)- lessons (Project – Form, Meaning and Function)
Unit 8: lessons (Listen &discuss – Pair work) – lessons (Grammar – Listening – Pronunciation)
lessons (Conversation – About You) – lessons (Reading – Writing)- lessons (Project – Form, Meaning and Function)

مثال للعروض البوربوينت لمادة سوبر جول اول متوسط الفصل الثالث :

تحضير Super Goal أول متوسط فصل ثالث
تحضير Super Goal أول متوسط فصل ثالث

الاهداف العامة للمادة Super Goal أول متوسط فصل ثالث :

General Objective of Teaching English in Secondary Stage

  1. To contribute to student’s intellectual, personal and professional growth.
  2. To enable student to acquire basic language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing).
  3. To develop student’s awareness of the importance of English as a means of international communication.
  4. To develop student’s positive attitude towards learning English.
  5. To enable student to acquire the necessary linguistic competence required in various life situations.
  6. To enable student to acquire the linguistic competence required in different professions.
  7. To develop student awareness about the cultural, economic, and social issues of his society and prepare him to participate in their solutions.
  8. To develop the linguistic competence that enables student – in future – to present and explain Islamic concepts and issues, and participate in spreading Islam.
  9. To enable student linguistically to present the culture and civilization of his nation.
  10. To enable student linguistically to benefit from English-speaking nations, that would enhance the concepts of international cooperation that would develop understanding and respect of the cultural differences between nations.
  11. To provide student with the linguistic basis that would enable him to participate in transforming other nation’s scientific and technological advances that can enhance the progress of his nation.

The Objectives of Teaching  English Language in Saudi Arabia

Students should be able to:-

1 –  Develop their  intellectual, personal and professional abilities .

2 – Acquire basic language skills   ( listening , speaking , reading and writing ) in order to communication with speakers of English language .

3 – Acquire the linguistic competence necessarily required in various life situation .

4 –  Acquire the linguistic competence required in different professions.

5 –  Develop their awareness of the importance of English as a means of international communication .

6 –  Develop positive attitudes towards learning English .

7 –  Develop the linguistic competence that enables them to be aware of the cultural , economical and social issues of their society

in order to contribute in giving solution .

8 –  Develop the linguistic competence that enables them ,in the future , to present and explain the

Islamic concepts and issues and participate in spreading Islam .

9 –  Develop the linguistic competence that enables them, in the future, to present the culture and civilization of their nation.

10 -Benefit from English-speaking  nations, in order to enhance the concepts of international cooperation that develop understanding and respect of cultural differences among nations.

11 – Acquire the linguistic bases that enable them to participate in transferring the scientific and technological advances of other nations to their nation.

12 – Acquire the linguistic bases that enable them to present and explain Islamic concepts and issues, and participate in the dissemination of them.

Title of the unit  : 5 What are you going to wear there?

This unit talks about: clothes, colors, future time expressions, future with (be- going to), future time expressions.

The general objectives:

  • Talking about clothing and colors.
  • Expressing future plans.
  • Making suggestions.
  • Using future forms and expressions.
  • Enduring Understanding:

    Students will understand:

    • How to form future sentences.
    • How to express future plans and arrangements.
    • How to suggest something.
    • How to use time expressions with future forms.
  • Knowledge:

    Students will know: 

    • Names of various clothes and colours.
    • (Be- going to + infinitive) is used to express definite future plans.
    • (Tomorrow, next week, next month) are future expressions.
  • Skills:

    Students will: 

    • Listen for specific details about clothing and colours.
    • Read a text and guess what the text is about. (Clothes and Travel).
    • Pronounce (going to).
    • Write a description of a classmate’s clothing.

Essential Questions:

  • What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
  • Who is wearing (something)?
  • What clothes do I need to buy for (a place) in (a season)?
  • What are you going to wear to (a place)?


Abaya, blouse, boots, coat, dress, ghotra, gloves, jacket, jeans, pants, raincoat, sandals, scarf, shirt, shoes, shorts, skirt, sneakers, socks, suit, sweater, thobe, tie, T-shirt, casual (clothes), formal (clothes), light (clothes), warm (clothes).

Learning plan:

  • The approach: is to help learners to know where the unit will go, and what is expected of them, and the level of performance required of them to achieve the stated results.
  • Introductory activities:  activities designed attractively and variably (listening, speaking, reading, writing) to encourage learners to reflect on and analyze the different ways of using pictures and examples to express future plans and use future expressions and make conversations using them.
  • Educational and learning activities: training learners on the skills of grammar, spelling, and structures of language through classroom activities and home to follow up these activities to make sure of their ability to express future plans. We engage students in self-evaluation, goal setting, and self-reflection. We have to focus on basic questions continuity before the learners to gauge their understanding of it. I ask the students the following questions: (What kind of clothes do you like to wear? What clothes do I need to buy for (a place) in (a season)? And, etc.).

     And implement activities in the form of individual, in pairs and groups. 

  • Assigned learners to do the performance tasks: Learners carry out tasks according to the standards, and present their works on.

Classroom worksheet 

  • Make the following conversations and fill the gaps with these words.

(Black, Jeans, Wear, shopping, warm). 

Conversation 1:

  1. what clothes do I need to buy for Berlin in January?
  2. you need …….. clothes. It’s so cold there.

Conversation 2:

  1. what color are your boots?
  2. they are ……….. .

Conversation 3:

  1. Are you going to wear ………?
  2. yes, I’m

Conversation 4:

  1. I’m going to a wedding party tonight. I don’t know what to wear.
  2. you should ……… a suit.


Conversation 5:

  1. Is he going to go ………. next week?
  2. yes, he is.

Answer Key:

 warm, black, jeans, warm, shopping.


1-Listen and Discuss

With books closed, tell students that they are going to hear words for different kinds of clothing. Ask: What words do you think you will hear? Elicit responses and write the words on the board.

Play the audio for the clothing items. Students listen and point to each item of clothing as they hear the word.
2-Pair Work

Focus students’ attention on the conversations. Explain briefly that we use be + going to + verb to talk about future plans.

 Play the audio for the four Pair Work conversations. Have students repeat or speak along with the recording. 

يمكنك الاستفادة من طرق التحاضير المختلفه للمادة Super Goal  سوبر جول أول متوسط فصل ثالث باكثر من طريقة ,حيث اختلاف الطرق يساعدك على الحصول على اكبر كم ممكن من طرق الشرح والاستفادة من المنهج  بسهولة الشرح باكثر من طريقة عرض وشرح للدرس مثل : طريقة وحدات الملك عبد الله فتكون مقسمة على اكثر من قسم لسهولة ايجاد المعلومه وشرحها ,وكذلك طرق فواز الحربي والمسرد والتعلم النشط وغيرهم من الطرق المختلفه .

كما يمكنك الشرح الكترونيا بالعروض التفاعليه المقدمة اليكم لانها تحتوى على حلول للأسئلة مع العرض المباشر للدرس بالصوت والصورة والحركات .
وايضا يمكنك الحصول على تحضيرك عبر منصة مدرستي لمساعدة المعلمين والمعلمات علي توفير الوقت والجهد ، حيث نستطيع توفير افضل الخبراء لاضافة المحتوى بالكامل على حسابك بالتحاضير والعروض وورق العمل وكامل المرفقات التي تساعدك على اداء عملك ايضا اضفة اختبارات وحدات بافضل الاسعار وبافضل جودة ودقة بالعمل لتوفير الوقت لديكم للشرح مباشرة والحصول على خدماتنا بافضل الاسعار المتاحة  ومن أجل الحصول عليها بسهولة شديدة للغاية .

لمعرفة الحسابات البنكية للمؤسسة: اضغط هنا

يمكنك تسجيل الطلب إلكترونياً: اضغط هنا

او تواصل معنا علي الارقام التالية:👇



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