بور بوينت Unit 7 Travel مادة ترافلر TRAVELLER 6 مقررات 1442 هـ .. مقدم من مؤسسة التحاضير الحديثة للمعلمين والمعلمات والطلبة والطالبات بمختلف الطرق، بالإضافة إلى التحاضير المختلفة وعروض الباوربوينت والاسئلة و حلول الأسئلة وتوزيع المناهج لمادة ترافلر TRAVELLER 6 مقررات .
كما نقدم مع بور بوينت Unit 7 Travel مادة ترافلر TRAVELLER 6 مقررات 1442 هـ التوزيع الكامل للمادة من خلال هذا الرابط أدناه
بور بوينت مادة ترافلر TRAVELLER 6 مقررات 1442 هـ
كما نقدم مع بور بوينت Unit 7 Travel ترافلر TRAVELLER 6 مقررات 1442هـ الاهداف العامة لتدريس مادة TRAVELLER 6:
General Objective of Teaching English in Primary Stage
- Learn the basics of the English language that would form the foundation for its mastery in the future.
- Use the basic structures of English sentences.
- Learn the core vocabulary assigned for this stage.
- Listen and understand simple English language.
- Express themselves orally using simple English language.
- Read and understand simple written English language materials.
- Write simple guided sentences in English language.
- Appreciate the importance of English language as an international language of communication, for introducing Islam, the Islamic nation’s culture and the cultural achievements of Muslims to other nations.
- Appreciate the importance of English language as an international language of communication to benefit from the achievements of other cultures in accordance with Islam
General Objective Of Teaching English
1-By the end of the secondary stage and within the assigned structures and vocabulary for this stage, students should be able to do the following:
2-Use English language structures and analyze them to understand the relationships among them
3-Learn the assigned vocabulary ,idioms ,and expressions and understand their meanings in context
4-Acquire the ability to listen to comprehend English language and to distinguish between different intonations
5-Participate in conversations and discussions using proper English
6-Acquire the ability to read and comprehend English texts through different reading types (i.e. loud reading) and reading strategies (i.e. scanning, pleasure and reading for all understanding
7. Write a free-essay of three paragraphs using correct English
Translate English text into Arabic and vise versa.
يمكنكم طلب المادة أو التوزيع المجاني من خلال هذا الرابط ادناه
مادة ترافلر TRAVELLER 6 مقررات 1442 هـ